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video to short video converter

video converter

To create a PHP code for a video to short video converter, you can leverage FFmpeg, a powerful multimedia framework that supports video and audio conversion. Here’s an example implementation:


$videoPath = '/path/to/original/video.mp4'; // Path to the original video file
$outputPath = '/path/to/short/video.mp4'; // Path for the output short video file

$startTime = '00:00:05'; // Start time of the short video in HH:MM:SS format
$duration = '00:00:10'; // Duration of the short video in HH:MM:SS format

// Command to convert the video using FFmpeg
$ffmpegCommand = 'ffmpeg -i ' . escapeshellarg($videoPath) . ' -ss ' . $startTime . ' -t ' . $duration . ' -c:v copy -c:a copy ' . escapeshellarg($outputPath);

// Execute the FFmpeg command
exec($ffmpegCommand, $output, $status);

// Check if the conversion was successful
if ($status === 0) {
    echo 'Short video created successfully.';
} else {
    echo 'Error creating short video.';

In this code:

  1. Set the $videoPath variable to the path of your original video file that you want to convert to a short video.
  2. Set the $outputPath variable to the desired path for the output short video file.
  3. Specify the $startTime and $duration variables to define the start time and duration of the short video, respectively. These values should be in HH:MM:SS format.
  4. The FFmpeg command is constructed using the specified video path, start time, duration, and output path. It uses the -ss option to specify the start time and -t option to define the duration of the short video. The -c:v copy and -c:a copy options ensure that the video and audio streams are copied without re-encoding.
  5. The exec() function is used to execute the FFmpeg command.
  6. The code checks the status of the execution to determine if the conversion was successful or not.

Make sure you have FFmpeg installed on your server and the appropriate permissions to execute shell commands with PHP. Adjust the paths and options in the code according to your specific setup and requirements.

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